Hi, I'm still kind of a new user, I've been goofing around with POV on and
off for awhile. I was just wondering what the best way would be to go
about giving an object that is made of stone, a broken/chipped look. Not
necessarily from errosion, but from using a chisel to mold the stone,
having little cracks and indentations. The object is just made from this:
cylinder {
0*x, .75*x, 1
rotate y*60
texture { T_Grnt25 }
cylinder {
-1*x, 2*x, .4
rotate y*60
texture { T_Grnt25 }
I'm looking to give the outer side the chipped look. I was thinking using
splines inside the difference bracket, but I didn't know if there might be
any easier way. Thanks!
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